May 5, 2022 Recaps

Task Filters, Batch Editing, Project Progress Bar, Overview of Completed Tasks

Task Filters, Batch Editing, Project Progress Bar, Overview of Completed Tasks

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another edition of ActiveCollab's monthly recaps! Last month, we presented the new Project header, along with the "Add" button, as well as the option to schedule notifications on the mobile app. This month, we'll talk about more exciting options we've added to the Project page and the latest mobile app features.

Filtering and batch editing

If you're a fan of the Column and Timeline view, you might have already noticed we've made some tweaks. The header now contains the new option to filter tasks by multiple criteria! This should make finding what you're looking for a short quest, as you can apply filters by task lists, assignees, due dates, and labels. Once you're done, you can clear out the filters with just one click.

As for the List view, we have great news if you need to make changes to more than one task at once. The batch edit mode is now packed with the new option to select entire task lists in one move. We hope this feature will automate your work and save time.

Since we're already on the subject of the Project page, there's another novelty we'd like to mention. We've sneaked the progress bar around the Project info. The Project info now gives you all the information you need, how well you're using the budget, how profitable the project is, and how much more work you have left until completion.

Mobile app

The freshest version of the mobile app brings a brand new screen with all your completed tasks, where they'll be sorted chronologically by their completion date. You can also access your completed task lists and reopen them if needed. If you haven't already, go and download the mobile app for iOS and Android and start collaborating with your team wherever you are!


The uptime in April was >99.99%. We understand ActiveCollab is vital for many teams in the day-to-day operations, so our main goal is to keep it up and running impeccably at all times. If you do notice any hiccups, feel free to contact us via Twitter or email!

Coming up

In May, we'll keep on working on the Project page. Specifically, rearranging task lists will be made simpler. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback on all these new options!

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