
New My Work Launched, Red Dot Browser Notification

New My Work Launched, Red Dot Browser Notification

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another recap of our last month's updates! We'll keep it short this month.

My Work makeover

It's finally finished! We're pleased to present the brand new look of My Work. Here's an overview of the main changes:

  • Everything's neatly tucked in tabs
  • Availability records added
  • Sorting tasks by their due date
  • Collapsing task lists
  • The "Add" button
  • Client+ gets My Work
  • A delighter once all the assignments of the day are completed!

Read all the in-depth details here.

ActiveCollab notifications

If you're using ActiveCollab in your browser, you might have noticed a red dot from time to time. You probably assumed it appears whenever you have new notifications, and you would have been absolutely right! We've added this simple but effective visual aid to help you spot what's new as soon as it happens.

The notification bell has been improved significantly, so it should work a lot smoother and quicker than before.

If you're not too keen on browsers, you can always download the Desktop version! You'll find the download links for both Windows and Mac OS here.


In November, the uptime was 99.74%, with a total downtime of around two hours on November 12th. We apologize if this caused an inconvenience to you. To prevent such inconveniences from occurring again, we'll focus on rebuilding our architecture and keeping the uptime percentage high.

If you ever notice any issues, let us know via Twitter or email!

Coming up

December will be a month of many tiny fixes and twerks to the existing features. Alone, they're not particularly exciting, but together they will improve the overall user experience. Next month, there won't be a December recap. Instead, we offer a 2020 ActiveCollab overview - a journey through all the features we added throughout the year. We'll resume our regular monthly recaps from January on. Till next time!