
Refurbished My Work, Notification Bell EAP, Invoice QR Code

Refurbished My Work, Notification Bell EAP, Invoice QR Code

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the latest ActiveCollab updates! 

This month, we'll be exploring the same topics, plus one more: adding QR codes to your invoices.

My Work

All our users got the option to group tasks assigned to them by the due date! Also, you can collapse and expand task lists by date or project. This should significantly improve your personal day-to-day organization. Let us know if your workflow got better!

Our next stop is reconstructing the whole page into tabs. To get there, we had to make a little detour through the Activity page. We rewrote the code of the entire page, and now we can integrate it better with My Work, so new activities appear in real-time.


Our Early Access Program users can already test the new bell (if you'd like to be among the first to try out our latest updates, contact us). Overall, the notification counter is more reliable and faster. Real-time turned out to be trickier than we thought, but now we're ready to embark on a new adventure regarding the notification system.

QR code

We've made it possible to add a QR code to your invoices! It can lead to the payment link or a custom note. 

Fun fact: we've added this option at the request of one of our customers who let us know QR codes on invoices became mandatory in their country. If the trend expands to other countries, our invoices are ready!

The team who worked on this feature has also been working on adding an extra 25GB to all our annual subscribers! Now you have even more space for all your files. If you need even more space, they've also made it possible to upgrade your storage. You can now purchase add-ons at the following rates:

  • 100GB - $49 monthly or $490 yearly
  • 300GB - $99 monthly or $990 yearly
  • 500GB - $149 monthly or $1490 yearly


The uptime in October was over 99.99%, with a total downtime of 2 minutes. As always, we aim to keep the former as high as possible and the latter at its lowest. In case you ever encounter any difficulties, feel free to reach out on Twitter or via chat! We'll be happy to assist.

Coming up

In November, we'll add availability records to the My Work page! Finally, you won't have to dig through the People page, as all the important data will be in one place.

Also, Client+ roles will get their very own My Work, containing their tasks and activity. We're looking forward to exploring all the possibilities this reconstruction will bring.

Now that the bell is wrapped up and functioning smoothly, ActiveCollab browser push notifications are something we'll be experimenting with next.

All the feedback you sent us regarding Workload has been read and analyzed, so we'll concentrate our efforts on improving its performances as well.

Check out our Roadmap anytime to see what we'll be working on next!