Self-Hosted Project Management Software

self hosted project management software

Complete control over your data

ActiveCollab’s self-hosted version is the perfect option for companies that want to be in control of their data security and privacy. It’s installed on the server of your choice, complies with the strictest privacy requirements, and entirely in your hands.

You're in charge

After the setup, your system administrator will be in charge of maintenance, updates, and backups. This will allow you to dictate your preferred level of security, data privacy, storage, speed, and stability.

Get a quote from our sales team

Pay once and use forever with unlimited projects, users and storage. In addition, you get one year of priority support and feature upgrades for free when you purchase the self-hosted license..

See ActiveCollab in action!

Self-hosted version is not available during your trial, but you can get familiar with ActiveCollab on the web. Self-hosted ActiveCollab has all the essential features as the web application so you can easily test your future workspace and see how it works.

Contact Sales

For over a decade, more than 50,000 teams made Real Work happen with ActiveCollab.

What struck me was the simplicity of it. I had always thought the whole point of a project management tool was to make it easier to manage a project. But it seemed like a lot of them did anything but. ActiveCollab is different.

Izaak Crook

Digital Marketing Executive @ AppInstitute

I no longer have to spend 80 hours a week on data crunching and life is good. As for our company, we can now deliver real value to our clients thanks to our leaner workflow.

David Robertson

Owner & Project Manager @ Premium IT Solutions

With ActiveCollab, I can easily check what happened the day before and get the clear picture of what is happening in the company. What’s more, ActiveCollab helps me each day and keeps me regularly updated, in real time.

Grant Phillips

CEO @ Growth Labs Marketing