May 10, 2024 Recaps

Subtask’s Due Date, People Page Improvements, Comment to Task, and Duplicate Notes

Subtask’s Due Date, People Page Improvements, Comment to Task, and Duplicate Notes

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the latest recap of ActiveCollab’s updates! In February, we showed new comment options and the visibility of time estimates. This time, we’ll review some new features we’ve been working on that will be available in the new version.

ActiveCollab 8.0: Subtask’s Due Date

Many users asked for the feature to set a due date on subtasks. It works like selecting a deadline for your tasks, and you’ll be able to see the assignee’s availability and pick the date accordingly.

If a date that comes after the task’s due date is selected, you’ll get a warning that says a subtask must be completed before the main task.

ActiveCollab 8.0: People Page

We’re working on new ways to help you find exactly the companies, roles, or teams you’re looking for within seconds. In March, we’ve made it possible to filter and sort all those who are invited to your ActiveCollab account.

We’ll add more options to this page soon so you can have a clear overview of everyone you’re working with!

ActiveCollab 8.0: Comment to Task

Sometimes, the information in a comment is so important that it could be an independent task, so we’ve now added the possibility of creating a task from a comment. All its contents will be copied to the new task. The new task will be placed in the same task list as the original task, but you can easily move it anywhere else.

The same can be done with comments on discussions and notes. Create a task, and it will appear in the project's first task list.

ActiveCollab 8.0: Duplicate Notes

You’ll be able to duplicate your notes and automatically share them with the same people, making handling documents easier and saving you time and repetitive work.


In March, ActiveCollab’s uptime was >99.99%. Our Support Team is always available to answer questions and intervene if you notice the app is down or slower than usual. Contact us via email or X!

Coming up

We’re improving the way you can invite people to your ActiveCollab account, creating a new Expenses tab, and further implementing subtask due dates in other corners of the app. Keep reading our blog for more updates from ActiveCollab!

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