Non-Profit discounts

There are heroes who make Real Work happen while battling to eradicate malaria, rescuing animals, preserving jungles, and helping children finish school.

Or maybe they are educating and preparing new generations for achievements that will change the world.

dicount for nonprofit organizations

Here at ActiveCollab, we do our part to support these brave and exceptional people!

That's why we offer a 50% discount for our cloud version to non-profit organizations and educational institutions.


"Infopeople provides subsidized continuing education/professional development opportunities that address the critical need for library staff to gain new knowledge and develop the critical thinking skills necessary to best assist the communities they serve."


"Medicines for Malaria Venture strives to reduce the burden of malaria in disease-endemic countries by discovering, developing and facilitating delivery of new, effective and affordable antimalarial drugs."


"A part of the SPA Canada's mission to manage populations of different animal species or deal with any other human activity that may affect non-human animals."

Who can apply?

Only non-commercial and non-government organizations can apply. Make sure you include:

If you have all the requirements, fill in the form and we'll get back to you!

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We reserve the right to reject requests or change pricing at any time. The discount doesn’t apply to payments made before the non-profit status has been approved.