
ActiveCollab 8.0: Subtask Due Date and Batch Edit

ActiveCollab 8.0: Subtask Due Date and Batch Edit

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the latest edition of ActiveCollab’s recaps! In April, we talked about new ways to invite people to your ActiveCollab account and the improvements we made to the project expense tab. This recap will show you the changes to subtasks and batch editing.

ActiveCollab 8.0: Subtask Due Date

In one of our past recaps, we showed the new option of adding a due date to your subtasks. We’ve now added another feature! When you change the task’s due date, all the subtasks’ due dates will also automatically be moved.

Let’s take the example of a subtask that is scheduled to be completed on July 16th, and the task’s due date is July 26th. Changing the latter date to the following Friday will also move the subtask’s due date to a week later.

This way, you’ll save yourself the time it takes to reschedule each subtask when rearranging assignments on the calendar!

ActiveCollab 8.0: Batch Edit

We’re keeping all the batch edit options you’re used to, but we’re giving them a refreshed look. You’ll be able to select more tasks and task lists at once and change their properties, like their assignee, due date, or priority. We’ve improved this feature, so you don’t have to worry anymore about a newly added label overrunning all the existing ones.

Changing properties, completing more tasks and lists, and copying or moving them to another project altogether will be smoother than ever.

Another enhancement includes having the possibility to edit task names individually while batch editing!


ActiveCollab’s uptime in May and June was 99.95%. Have you noticed the app is slower than usual or down altogether? Give us a shoutout on X, or contact us via email.

Coming up

During the summer, we’ll improve some options on the People page and work on further subtask enhancements. Keep reading our recaps to stay updated!

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