
New Projects Page Header, Chat Reactions, Company Days Off

New Projects Page Header, Chat Reactions, Company Days Off

Hi everyone,

Welcome to your monthly dose of ActiveCollab updates! Last time, we talked about the in-app Chat, the mobile app and announced a new project overview as well as additions to the Chat. That's precisely what we're presenting this month:

Better filtering and sorting

Our Early Access Program participants get the chance to test out the new header on the Projects page. It's full of brand new options to better sort, group, and filter your projects.

For starters, active projects, completed projects, and templates are organized in tabs so that you can access them easily.

Then there's the Filter button; unlike the previous version, it lets you select multiple options within a criterion. For example, you can filter out your projects by two project leads and three clients.

You can also group your projects by favorite, label, client, category, and project lead. Once grouped, expand and collapse these groups for a clearer overview, and sort them by group or by projects within the group.

All in all, there are plenty of options to play around with. The best way to get to know them is to try them out! If you'd like to join our Early Access Program, let us know. You'll be able to try out new features as they develop and influence the way they evolve.

In-app Chat: the latest improvements

As promised, we've implemented reactions to chat messages as well! We know reactions are a great way to communicate on tasks, so we've expanded their realm.

In other news, when you've been away for a while, and have unread messages waiting for you, an email will be sent to you, saying how many messages and from who are waiting for you. This way, you won't miss a thing. Sometimes, one message can unblock an entire assignment, and if a colleague is waiting for a vital piece of information from you, they'll be sure you know it.

Mobile app

During September, the main feature added to our mobile app was the support for non-working days. We're talking about company-wide days off. Once they're set up, no one will be able to take days off or schedule tasks through the date picker on those days. If you haven't downloaded the app yet, visit the Play or App Store and start collaborating on the go!


ActiveCollab's uptime in September was >99.9%. As always, we'd like to remind you to contact us via Twitter or email whenever something's not working right. Our Support team will make sure to solve any issue you're experiencing!

Coming up

October will keep us busy delivering the new Project page to all users and improving it even further. We'll also implement the @mention feature to our in-app Chat and continue working on adding Chat to our mobile app.

Hope you found this news helpful in using ActiveCollab! Enjoy the October days ahead, and stay tuned for the next edition of Monthly Recaps.