Customer Stories

ActiveCollab Is a Wonderful Software Solution - Nerdfox Design

ActiveCollab Is a Wonderful Software Solution - Nerdfox Design

I'm Denys Osadchyi, a professional interface designer with 17 years of experience. Several years ago, I quit working as a hired designer in an IT company and decided to become an entrepreneur in order to be able to work on projects in various fields, develop a young team of specialists and manage business processes myself. Today, my design agency Nerdfox Design helps create modern designs for financial, marketing, asset management companies, and Metaverse products.

Most of my designs are complex SaaS or dApp projects with difficult architecture. Correct task management and delegation always help me be aware of my workflow, and it's impossible without project management software.

The quest for an all-in-one solution

Before switching to ActiveCollab, I tried many of them. Still, no software was convenient because none of them has two important things for me: a time tracker with the ability to set different hourly rates for different projects and easy client invoicing.

I've been looking for a solution that would simplify my processes for a very long time. There are a lot of products on the project management market, and I had to try enough of them until I finally came across ActiveCollab.

Of course, two software could solve my requests, but who wants to spend time synchronizing between them or pay for two products at once? This is how ActiveCollab hooked me. For a fairly low price, I got a wonderful software solution for managing workflow and quickly organized a workspace with lots of projects and tasks.

Finally, I was able to receive real-time statistics not only on the total time spent on each project but also on everything at once in the monthly dynamics of changes.

Organizing the workflow: then vs. now

The biggest advantage after switching to ActiveCollab is that I can immediately see how much income the work brings, even in the context of one day.

Previously, it was like this: you simply work, and at the end of the month or project, you manually calculate the time you've spent, and the profit received. Now I can flexibly plan and optimize my workload within a day, week, or month. Moreover, I am always aware of the statuses of all tasks in different projects. All this I can do thanks to the intuitive time tracker and workflow section.

Lifehack that I use every day: if I need to quickly create a list of tasks that I want to pay maximum attention to today, I press start and immediately stop on them. Thus, the timer automatically turns into my to-do list, and I do not need to analyze the deadline schedule or constantly switch between projects in search of the most urgent tasks.

But doing good and high-quality work is one side of the matter. The second is to receive a reward for it. With ActiveCollab, invoicing takes place in a couple of clicks, and the client receives a very detailed report on all the work done. I no longer spend time on routine reports and invoices.

I can concentrate on what I really love — creating stunning designs.