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Time and Resources



How To Use the Workload Feature:

  • On the left you see all the people invited to the projects with their daily capacities 
  • By default daily capacity is set to 8 hours (this can be changed)
  • The upper bar shows the timeline starting with the first working day of the current week,
  • By default, the view shows planned activities for the next 30 days,
  • Weekends, holidays, and days off are marked differently so they’re easy to notice.


  • The filter in the upper left corner lets you select one person, a few people, or an entire team,
  • Click the little calendar icon in the upper left corner to show the past couple of months or up to seven months ahead,
  • Next to it is the expand/collapse all button to view or hide the projects and tasks of all the selected people. You can expand this view individually.

Task overview:

  • To show up in Workload a task needs a due date set 
  • Tasks with a defined time frame will appear in the assigned person’s Workload, grouped by projects,
  • Unassigned tasks are placed in the Unassigned work section at the top, drag and drop them to the right person,
  • A warning sign in the cell alerts you a time estimate hasn't been set,
  • Grey cell shows the daily capacity of users with no tasks assigned to them,
  • Green cell indicates the number of hours a person has left at disposal,
  • Red cell shows the number of hours they have to work overtime,
  • A green cell with a checkmark means the team member’s daily assignments are perfectly balanced.


  • You can set daily capacity for each team member, 
  • See their availability on a daily basis, 
  • Reschedule, prolong and reassign tasks. 

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