Dec 30, 2022 Team Collaboration

Delegate Tasks - Trust and Empower Team Members

Delegate Tasks - Trust and Empower Team Members

Do you always feel that your to-do list is about to explode? Are you constantly overwhelmed by the things yet to be done? Well, we have one word for you that can actually make your life much better, but you need to let go of control and trust your team in this process.

Ever heard of delegation? We are sure you did, but you never thought of implementing it, right? Delegation isn't easy because, most of the time, we are used to doing things on our own. Also, it's hard to trust others and allow them to have a say in an important project.

If you want to stop feeling exhausted and under a lot of pressure all the time, you should learn how to delegate. Get rid of that old saying, "If you want something done right, you must do it yourself," and learn to trust your team.

Delegate Tasks Meaning

To delegate means transferring responsibilities for a specific task to another person. From a management perspective, a manager will assign a specific task to their team. By delegating a task, the manager will have enough time to focus on high-value activities while keeping team members engaged with greater autonomy.

According to Gallup study, CEOs who successfully delegate generate 33% higher revenue. The executives are aware that they can't accomplish everything on their own and appoint their team to complete tasks.

In turn, this will empower employees, increase productivity, and boost their morale. CEOs free up their time and focus on growing their company.

What Are Delegation Skills?

The process of effective delegation requires the following skills:

  • Communication: This is the ability to exchange information with others. As a project manager, communication involves various things, like listening to your team, answering their questions, assigning responsibilities, and addressing potential concerns. Good communication ensures your team members know what's expected of them.
  • Training: Delegating means transferring a specific duty to a team member. To accomplish tasks efficiently and accurately, team members benefit from training and support. You need to be able to educate, provide explicit instruction, demonstrate the task, and show patience while your team member learns about new responsibilities.
  • Time management: You need to know how to use time effectively. Mastering this skill is crucial for time estimates and providing realistic deadlines.
  • Offering constructive feedback: As your team members work on an assignment, providing constructive feedback is crucial. For instance, if you transfer complete responsibility to an individual, it would be wise to offer some constructive criticism about how they can complete this task. By doing this, you can help a particular team member identify areas for improvement.

Reasons for Lack of Delegation

Project managers and leaders have a lot at stake when delegating tasks. That's why delegation sometimes fails.

Fear of Losing Control

Managers often believe that if they delegate tasks, they will lose control. This comes from a belief that they can do the job better. Instead, they should focus on the bigger picture, not on daily tasks. Also, they need to communicate more with the person doing the job so they know the progress.

Lack of Trust

Senior executives may find it hard to trust employees and delegate tasks to them. They simply don't believe anyone can do a better job than them.

Difficulty Letting Go

Some leaders get too attached to their projects and don't want to let go of them. They love doing their job and are unwilling to give it up. That's why business coaching is required to help them make that transition.

Delegate Effectively

How To Choose the Right Person for the Job?

To find the right person for this job, you need to match the strengths of each of your team members with a task that needs to be done. You need to ask yourself the following question: who can do this job, what skills are required, and who of your team members have those skills?

Provide Clear Instructions

Make sure your employees know what's expected of them. Offer all instructions and information the person needs for the assignment.

Offer Support and Guidance

Provide your team members with the necessary support, and make sure you are available to answer their questions. Establish communication and monitoring while providing resources.

When Should You Delegate a Task?

Before diving into delegation, it's crucial to know when to delegate. Here are some insights that can help you determine the right time.

  • You don't have time to deal with the tasks that await you.
  • Someone else within the company is better suited for this task.
  • You want to help a team member gain more experience in a particular area.
  • Something else came up that demands your full attention.

To figure out whether delegation is the right thing or not, consider these factors:

  • Do you need to complete this task, or can someone else do it?
  • Is there someone else with the necessary information and experience to finish the task?
  • Does this task help another person grow and develop their skills?
  • Will this task repeat in the future?
  • Do you have enough time to delegate tasks effectively and stay on top of things?

Delegating Responsibility

Delegation involves giving someone else the responsibility to complete a task, and it isn't as straightforward as it appears. Assigning work to someone else carries elements of risk, but it also improves the skills of the people who work for you.

People in your team will become more involved and help your organization accomplish its goals. To delegate responsibility successfully, you have to:

  • Create an action plan before delegating the task: Managers need to define a project plan, enlist task roles, and start delegating.
  • Set up the level of authority: Leaders should provide their subordinates with enough independence to complete their tasks.
  • Get familiar with your resources: Managers should have complete visibility of their talent pool. You could employ resource management software that provides a bird's-eye view of the worker's availability, location, and skills.
  • Delegate tasks to a competent resource: Assigning the right person to the right job is crucial, or it might lead to disengagement and lower productivity.
  • Monitor performance: As a leader, you are responsible for project success and whether your project will meet the client's expectations.

Example of Delegation

Some examples of delegation include:

  • Providing direction to team members and telling them exactly what to do.
  • Assign someone to do the research, give feedback, and report to you.
  • Allowing someone else to make decisions but retaining the final say.
  • Delegating authority and responsibility, except in the event of an emergency.
  • Delegating completely, putting your team leaders in charge of decisions and tasks, and allowing them to have the final say.

Delegating Leadership Style

Leadership style empowers an individual to exercise autonomy. Applying this approach consists of providing a team member with the big picture and then trusting them to deliver results.

This style works well with a person that is confident and competent to perform. Delegating leadership style should look something like this:

  • Turn over control
  • Offer the "big picture"
  • Allow a team member to make task-related decision
  • Monitor activities
  • Reinforce results
  • Remain accessible

When an individual has the autonomy to complete their tasks on their own, it boosts their morale and job satisfaction. An employee can set their own timelines and decide on priority.

Also, employees are more motivated and less distracted. When they are accountable for any task, they are more likely to be proactive and take the initiative.

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