Aug 31, 2021 Project Management

Implementation plan - path to execution

Implementation plan - path to execution

An implementation plan plays a significant role in developing and executing ideas, methodologies, or projects for businesses and organizations. According to some research, companies with an implementation and execution plan experienced 70% greater returns than those without one.

So, whether you are starting a new business, assembling a new team, or testing a new strategy, don't simply dive in and waste your money on the first solution that presents itself.

Strategic project planning is a crucial part of a successful venture, like any other business decision you make. That's why you require a project implementation plan to help you navigate new business decisions. 

Implementation plan definition

The implementation plan facilitates a policy, algorithm, standard, specification, design, model, idea, or plan by defining steps and tasks organization members need to follow. Therefore, an implementation plan is presented as documented steps you need to take to accomplish successful results.

Usually, an organization creates a program implementation plan, which is used to support the strategic plan. Now, you are wondering what a strategic plan is? This type of plan is designed to guide business decisions, upcoming projects, and business ventures. Once you map out a strategic plan, the implementation plan is made to bring the strategic plan to life.

The implementation plan then breaks down tasks into identifiable steps, creates a timeline for the entire project, and divides responsibilities and duties among team members involved.

Therefore, the implementation plan aims to implement the organization's strategy efficiently and set up step-by-step processes that bring the project to success.

Implementation plan steps

When it comes to an implementation plan, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. This plan involves universal steps and is applied to various projects.


Start by identifying everything you need for the execution of your implementation plan. For example:

  • Identify the team members who need to be involved in accomplishing strategic goals.
  • Determine the time it takes to make those goals happen.
  • Calculate the amount of money and resources needed to achieve the goals.

If you interview team members, key partners, and stakeholders, determine the most pressing assignments and prioritize them respectively. It's wise to list all the goals you are looking to achieve.

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Determine assumptions and risks

This stage acts as an extension to the previous one. Assumptions and risks influence the execution of your implementation plan, like losing personnel, budgets issues, market instability, and others.

Allocate responsibilities

Every activity in your implementation plan needs to include a primary assignee to be its owner. If you wish to assign tasks correctly, the assignee delegates, meaning they need to ensure that all systems are working while keeping track of the team's productivity.

Identify activities

Identifying activities is one of the most important implementation plan steps. It helps you complete all little activities to round out your plan.

  • Determine steps to make up the plan
  • Establish the activities required to finalize each step.
  • Identify who are you going to involve in the plan
  • Specify the stakeholder's demands.
  • Allocate the necessary resources.
  • List any milestones as needed.
  • Spot risks involved based on the assumptions

Project implementation plan essentials

Implementation usually includes executing the process improvements that we developed throughout the project's lifecycle. There are a couple of implementation elements: planning work, tasks and subtasks, time, people, and resources.

We usually add a couple of understanding steps to these planning elements, which explain why the project worked or didn't work. A successful implementation plan covers at least five essentials: work plan, budget and resources, shareholders, risk management and assessment, and quality control.

Elements of a good implementation plan

Here are the elements of a successful implementation plan:

Work plan

Determine what happen to all involved in the process improvement. It's about creating a scope based on which improvement takes place. The scope involves but is not limited to changes to the supplies, resources, and processes.

Resource plan

During this stage, all purchases, resources, and project funds are finalized. For instance, resources include many things like overhead costs, changes in staff, or time, software.  It's crucial to check the resources available and get adequate approval to utilize them. Otherwise, your project does not accomplish the desired gain.

Stakeholder management plan

Stakeholders need to be 100% on board with the project implementation plan. Anyone who is even remotely affected by the implementation needs to be considered a stakeholder. This involves the process owner, some customers, and vendors affected by this process. The goal here is for all stakeholders to support implementation.

Risk assessment

The risk assessment plan serves as a stage where we touch up any existing FMEA or Failure Mode Effect Analysis around the implementation plan.

Quality control

Last but not least, we have quality control, widely used to monitor the project's gains. Also, make sure to check that the implementation plan covers the entire scope of the project in the project charter.

Benefits of a project implementation plan

An implementation plan uses all organizational resources and creates a tactical plan to carry out the strategic initiative. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the success of your strategic plan. An iron-clad strategy or plan won't do you any good if you don't put that plan into action. 

Ensures clarity

Write an implementation plan to better clarify things you need to do or improve. Planing is crucial. When you are backed into a corner and forced to think things through, it's a great idea to document everything and talk to your upper management and team members to get everyone on board.

Keeps everyone engaged

Use an implementation plan to identify all tasks that need to be done, who needs to do them, and how to do them. This means that everyone is engaged and on board while removing any sort of doubt or confusion. When every team member knows their roles and responsibilities, it's easier to track progress. Use of project management software such as ActiveCollab  to help your teams or team to follow their in progress, and easily share information.

Better cooperation

Working on any project demands the collaboration and cooperation of numerous employees. The better the cooperation among team members, the better the overall execution of the project.

Common implementation plan problems

Over commitment – many options look like benefits, so it's easier to accept them all than to realistically prioritize resources.

Poorly defined objectives - resulting from not spending enough time on objective setting or trying to make everyone happy by offering them goals that are challenging to implement.

Bad implementation plan – when writing an implementation plan, you allocate resources to the execution resources and talk to yourself in the future. Failing to do any of these create confusion and missed targets, and guide you to wrong direction.

False approval – challenging to spot before it happens. Sometimes one of your team members pretend to be on board with your plan but harbor some reservation about execution and needed action.

Distraction – a common pitfall. For instance, many CEOs are distracted by the "flavor of the month" or a "good idea" they read in the latest article.

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