Customer Stories

Soleil Digital: Refocusing and Increasing Our Productivity With ActiveCollab

Soleil Digital: Refocusing and Increasing Our Productivity With ActiveCollab

Soleil Digital is a Swiss web marketing agency based in the Lake Geneva area between Geneva and Lausanne. Pioneers in natural search engine optimization for over 15 years, our team is composed of web marketing experts who master the entire production chain. Most of the companies we work with are SMEs, start-ups, and e-commerce.

ActiveCollab Is Our Choice

To best meet the needs of our customers, we quickly had to ask ourselves about implementing a project management tool to organize and manage the various projects of our customers in a fluid and structured way.

Our choice was ActiveCollab, and we are very happy with it. We have been using the tool for five years now. Through testing, various uses, and internal exchanges, we have recently found a way of working that suits us all and allows us to be aligned with the management of our clients and our internal projects.

We really appreciate the collaborative aspect, where each team member included in a project can follow, share and comment on a single task. We can even invite certain clients, which is convenient in this process of tracking projects with them.

Centralized Processes for Better Productivity

This allows us to have a follow-up and a history of the projects. The exchanges are centralized in one place. This prevents us, as we used to do a lot before, from spreading ourselves too thin and exchanging or sending files via email or Teams. It also answers another of our particularities, often working remotely with a part of the team in Romania.

ActiveCollab is a real project management and monitoring tool that has allowed us to refocus our tasks and priorities in one place. Thus, we gain productivity.

We are always exploring new ways to improve our internal organization to be as efficient as possible in the follow-up and management of our internal and external projects!