Sales Project Management Software

Simplify your workspace by keeping all the necessary information in one place. Manage entire sales teams and customer groups easily with a set of features that provide an insight into current statuses, advanced reports, and your teams’ availability.

  • Centralize communication
  • Keep track of accounts
  • Create easy to track visual boards

Overview your sales activities

Make sure you know at a glance the status of each account and get all the history in one click. There’s no need to waste time trying to remember what was already done, for whom, and by which team member. It’s all there, tracked and recorded, with all the essential files attached.

manage sales pipeline

Manage your sales pipeline

Create a profile for each customer, product, or company and follow closely their journey throughout the sales funnel.

visualize your activities through columns or as a timeline

Visualize your flow

View your projects as phases through columns or as a timeline of your activities. Organize your process visually so you can track your customers’ progress and see at a glance where your project is at.

share files on the go

Share files on the go

No one has to wait for an important file, regardless of where they are. Upload images, documents, and videos from any device and attach them to the related topic. This way, all the progress and information will be kept neatly in one place.

all invoices report

Overview your results

There’s no need to keep track of certain data. ActiveCollab collects all your activities and runs detailed reports that are updated in real time. Whenever you or your manager asks for numbers, input the requirements, and you’ll get an advanced report in no time.

use discussion to communicate

Have focused discussions

Break up your activities into specific tasks and topics so you can discuss them individually among team members or even with clients. You’ll never have to deal with long and messy emails and fear you’ve let someone out.

create estimates

From estimate to invoice

Lead the entire sales process from an initial offer to getting paid. ActiveCollab incorporates estimates, invoices, and payment methods so you can track your sales records easily.

Automate your work

Stop wasting time on repetitive work and let ActiveCollab memorize your activities. You can also allow the app to create the tasks you need at regular intervals, even when you forget about them.

Some real-life feedback from our customers

For over a decade, more than 50,000 teams made Real Work happen with ActiveCollab.

We appreciated how easy it was to navigate from task to task, quickly catching up on daily progress and all related communications. I just can’t say enough about how simple ActiveCollab is for first-time and easily lost users.

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Do It Tennis

We used to organize ourselves mostly by using emails and spreadsheets. In ActiveCollab, all the relevant information and conversations are concentrated directly on the particular task or project they need to be in, letting us have everything we need in one place.

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New Plant

ActiveCollab helps us divide big projects into smaller tasks and plan ahead. From campaigns to tradeshows, from art projects to hour tracking to creating new products and flavors, ActiveCollab helps keep us all on the same page.

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Erin Johnston
