Apr 28, 2020 Product Updates

New Project Budgeting Types

New Project Budgeting Types
They’re finally here! New budgeting types have been released to everyone, and we know some of you have been eagerly expecting them. Time is money, so we won’t waste any of it, but rather get down to business right away.

Three is the magic number

Before: no budgeting types, you could only choose whether you’ll be tracking time and expenses on a project and if those tracked hours are billable or not.

Now: three budgeting types. Fixed price, Time and expenses, Non-billable.

Fixed price

This has been one of the most requested options, budget-wise. Many of our users have clients and a defined budget that is agreed upon before even starting a project. Deadlines aren’t the only limiting factor. The financial limit can’t be breached either.

So, the Fixed price budget type allows you to do just that. Enter the budget when you start a project, and you’re set. In the end, this amount is the one that will be invoiced, as well.