Jul 1, 2019 Customer Stories

How Hope Changes the World, One Life at a Time

How Hope Changes the World, One Life at a Time

Story written by Rumbani Ndhlovu, Senior Graphics Designer at MLFC

How are you making an impact on the world?

Miracle Life Family Church’s mission is sharing Christ, helping believers mature, changing the world. Working here since 2016 has allowed me to see people’s lives change for the better through faith in Jesus. We believe that it changes people’s perspective of themselves and others, helps them create a better life, family and world. Classes and courses are organized to tackle specific areas of everyday life, people receive counseling when they need it, and they help communities grow by reaching out to others. In a nutshell, that’s how we are making an impact on the world, one life at a time.

How would you define Real Work?

Real Work is everything that takes effort and yields results. For us, it’s making sure all is organized, designed, created and presented in a way that helps people understand the message we’re sending. 

The main goal is to give people hope. That’s Real Work for us.

What does one day in your life look like and what does it entail?

I arrive at the office at 7 am and have some quiet time (personal bible study). At 7:30 am, emails are opened and the first ones to pop up are usually ActiveCollab updates. This is the most important part of the day. I get to see what’s been done and what is yet to be done. 

Most days, I do the video announcements and that’s the bulk of my work. Some days, I get to do graphic design work i.e. fliers, tickets, posters, logos, booklets, workbooks, screen slides for the auditorium, graphics for our social media, etc. I also print out the weekly bulletins once they are approved. It gets pretty busy, so I always need to check my list to make sure nothing is forgotten. Once 4:30 pm hits, I clock out and head home to rest up and do it all again the following day.

How does ActiveCollab fit into your day?

ActiveCollab is like the CPU of my work. The central processing unit or, more accurately, the central planning unit. Most of my work is laid out in the tasks. All the deadlines I need to pay attention to are usually set there. As long as the information is entered correctly, I know exactly what services the different departments need. It’s a lot of data put in one place and streamlined to make work more efficient. 

Every fast-paced organization needs ActiveCollab. You’re not so fast-paced if you spend extra time looking for information. In the past, I would receive internal requests for graphics, videos and such. Then I would have to make a list on a piece of paper and try to keep up. Every time I completed a task, we’d have to stamp that request and find the second and organize them according to priority. My supervisor started working here and suggested ActiveCollab. I must admit to being resistant to it at first but when I got the hang of it, I knew it was brilliant. 

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