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Self-Hosted ActiveCollab

Installation Guide


Self-Hosted ActiveCollab Only!

This article is about the self-hosted version of ActiveCollab. If you're using the cloud version, everything is set up so you can start working right away.

Creating a Database 

The installer doesn't create a database, so make sure you have one available. You can use MySQL administration tools (eg. phpMyAdmin) or contact your administrator to create a database for you.

You'll need the following details during the installation:

  • The database host name (usually "localhost"), as well as the username and password,
  • The name of the newly created database.


  • Log in to ActiveCollab Accounts with the license email,
  • Download the installation package,
  • Unpack the archive and upload the files to a folder on your web server,

  • Type the path of your ActiveCollab 7 in your browser to start the installer (the location of the folder on your server where you uploaded AC files in the previous step, eg.

nginx URL Rewriting 

if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/assets/(.*)$ /assets/$1 last;

rewrite ^/avatars/(.*)$ /avatars/$1 last;

rewrite ^/wallpapers/(.*)$ /wallpapers/$1 last;

rewrite ^/verify-existence$ /verify.php last;

rewrite ^/proxy.php$ /proxy.php last;

rewrite ^/api/v([0-9]*)/(.*)$ /api.php?path_info=$2&api_version=$1 last;

rewrite ^$ /router.php last;

rewrite ^(.*) /router.php?path_info=$1 last;


  • ActiveCollab first checks if your server meets the requirements. Green means "OK", orange means "OK, but could be better" and red shows errors you need to fix before proceeding.
  • The installer then collects MySQL connection parameters, and validates that ActiveCollab can connect to the database.
  • Finally, ActiveCollab collects the license owner information and completes the installation.
If any of the above validation steps fail, error messages will tell you what needs to be fixed before you can proceed. If you need help, get in touch by sending us an email.

Importing Trial Data #

  • Contact and request a backup of your data,
  • Wait for the email. It will contain instructions how to import your trial data. Execute the command:
    php tasks/activecollab-cli.php import_cloud_data
    That command will download the data, import it, and do the proper checks and clean-up,
  • Delete all .php files in the /cache directory,
  • Delete all .php files in the /compile directory.

You should then be able to see all the trial projects and users in your self-hosted ActiveCollab.


Partial import (eg. copying just some projects) is not possible. You can only import everything from the free trial at once - and it will overwrite any existing data in the self-hosted ActiveCollab.

After you're finished with the installation, you need to configure Cron Jobs, Document Search (optional, if you want to use search), and Mailing.

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