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Team Timesheet


The Timesheet is a feature available with the GetPaid bundle. It shows your team's time records throughout the weeks.

This feature can be viewed by those who have Owner and Member+ roles with the option to create projects, manage people and use reports.

How To Use:

  • All ActiveCollab users can be found on the left.
  • Expand their fields to see which projects and tasks they have been working on.
  • All projects and tasks are clickable.
  • The time records will be displayed week by week.
  • Filter in the upper right corner allows you to choose which week you'd like to look at.
  • There are no time limits, regarding the past or the future.
  • Weekends, holidays, and days off are marked differently so they’re easy to notice.
  • All the users can still track time on these days, and those hours will be considered as overtime.

Color Code:

  • The numbers are colored differently, depending on the user's daily capacity. 
  • Red means fewer hours were tracked than their daily capacity.  
  • Orange is tracked time exceeds the daily capacity. 
  • Regular text color means a person tracked the exact amount of hours as their daily capacity. 
  • The same color-coding applies to the weekly totals in the column on the far right.

Managing People And Capacity:

  • Member+ who is not included in a Project will be listed as Uncategorized.
  • Filter the results by users or teams in the dropdown picker in the upper left corner.
  • Click on a user's name to be taken to their profile in the People section and set their daily capacity and hourly rate. Only Owners and Member+ roles can do this.

  • Tasks will appear in the Timesheet only if users tracked time on them.
  • Time can be tracked directly on a project, in which case the time records will be in the "Directly on project" section, rather than on individual tasks.

  • Time records on completed tasks are stricken through.

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