
It's not just about clearing out your desk. Your projects need a system that will support their development, and you need a tool that will help you complete them. Out of the many tools out there, choose one that will give you complete control over your work.


Organize your business by creating a project for each endeavor. You can manage internal processes, handle different clients individually, and split multiple engagements from one client into individual projects. Switching contexts when projects are clearly divided and defined is much smoother!

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unlimited projects

Unlimited Projects

Create an unlimited number of projects, no matter which plan you choose.

import projects

Import Projects

Don't interrupt your work! Import your projects into ActiveCollab and pick up where you left off.

sample projects

Sample Projects

Start off with our sample projects to see everything you can do and how to organize your projects.

invite teams and clients

Invite Teams and Clients

Invite your team members and clients to your projects and start collaborating with them.

project view

Project View

Choose between multiple views Kanban, Gantt, List, or Calendar view to manage your tasks in the best way.

project sorting

Project Sorting

Find the project you're looking for easily. Sort them by the client, category, label, and more.

filtering of projects


Filter out a large list of projects by their category, client, label, or project leader.

favorite projects label

Favorite Projects

Star the projects you always need to keep an eye on and locate them quickly every day.

Task List

Customize your workflow by creating lists that fit your teams' dynamics! Group your tasks into lists so your projects are easier to manage. You can always make changes by simply dragging and dropping tasks and lists as necessary and renaming, moving, or completing them at once.

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completing entire task list

Complete Task List

No need to tick off one task at a time! Mark an entire list as done in just one click.

duplicate task list

Duplicate Task List

Automate your process by duplicating task lists instead of creating same tasks multiple times.

move or copy task lists

Move/Copy to Project

If you're managing more than one similar project at once, move or copy task lists from one to another.


Tasks are the powerhouse of projects. This is where all the details are specified and the necessary guidelines defined. When done properly, tasks will show you what needs to be done, when, by whom, and what's the status. Tasks are also a space that allows discussions between team members and clients!

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task due dates

Due Dates

Set up due dates for each task, so everyone knows when it will be completed and organize activities.

task asignee


Assign each task to a team member and let the rest of the team know who's accountable for what.

task labels


Put only one or dozens of colorful labels on each task to get a gist of what's what at a glance.

task subcribers


Include all the interested parties on a task, and let them be notified of its progress in real-time.

attach files to task

Attach Files

Upload any type of files to tasks or comments, or attach them from G-Drive and Dropbox.


We know some tasks are more complex than others! That's why there's an option to split it into subtasks that can be well-defined and crossed off once done. This way, the entire team will know how is a larger task progressing and which parts of it are completed.

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subtasks in ActiveCollab


Break down a task into smaller actionable items and check them as done one by one as the accountable person completes them.

subtask assignee


More people working on one task? Avoid misunderstandings by assigning each subtask to the responsible person.


Unpredictable events that mess up our plans happen all the time, but that's no reason to waste time adjusting your projects and refitting their schedule. Once you link all the dots between tasks, define their connection, and give them a time dimension, ActiveCollab does it all for you!

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recurring tasks

Recurring Tasks

You don't have to keep creating the same tasks every day, week, or month. Let the system take over!

task dependencies

Task Dependencies

Connect the tasks in a parent-child relationship and never lose sight of what needs to be done first.

batch editing

Batch Edit

Tedious repetitive work can fly out the window. Select multiple tasks and edit their proprieties all at once.

project template in ActiveCollab

Project Template

Running similar projects for different clients? Create a project template and save yourself plenty of time.

My Work

It's too easy to forget what we need to work on every day, especially when we're back from a vacation! ActiveCollab lets you slip back into your working shoes and pick up where you left off. A list of your assignments will be available and visible only to you so you can organize your day.

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my work overview

My Tasks

Every day a list of tasks assigned to you will be waiting. Find out what you need to work on and when.

daily report emails

Daily Email

Get a daily email filled with relevant info, such as who's not there, newly created and completed tasks.

group tasks

Group Tasks

Check out what's on your plate each morning. Group the tasks assigned to you by their due date or project.

activity overview


If you'd like to retrace your steps and see what you've been up to all day or week, inspect your activity.


We all have our preferences when it comes to an app's interface. One team member's sensitive eyes need a darker screen, while another doesn't want to be disturbed by notifications. In ActiveCollab, you can set up your workspace as you prefer without affecting anyone else's!

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language and currency setup


Use ActiveCollab in your language! Choose one of the 22 languages available for your interface.

setup workweek, workdays, and non-working days

Personalized Workweek

Personalize the beginning of your workweek, workdays, and non-working days.

visibility for clients setup

Hidden from Clients

Clients don't need to watch all your activities. Let them see what they need to and hide the rest.

choice of themes in ActiveCollab


Choose the colors you prefer, or give your eyes a well-deserved rest with the Neon theme.

notifications setup


Get notified in real-time on any device about the progress your team is making with projects.