Jan 24, 2019 Customer Stories

Watch out for a Completely New League - Creativepeople

Watch out for a Completely New League - Creativepeople

Story written by Sergei Prokofiev, Managing Partner at CreativePeople agency

How are you making an impact on the world?

CreativePeople deals with the digital design and communications for both domestic clients from Russia, and those from abroad. First, we create the brand, come up with all of its visual and semantic elements, and develop the tools for its communication: websites, landing pages, profiles on social networks, digital campaigns, and offline carriers. Once we create the product, we keep maintaining and developing it together with the client. All in all, we influence the world by creating lots of cool designs and user-friendly interfaces.

How would you define Real Work?

For us at CreativePeople Real Work brings about three types of results. The first and most important one is that our team had the opportunity to improve their skills in the realization of a project. The second result is that our clients and their users can successfully use a product that we created and are satisfied with it. And, finally - material gain and business growth which we and the client got from our project.

What does one day in your life look like and what does it entail?

Our day starts late in the morning. Most of our employees first have coffee, then check their emails, set the priorities, and form a task list for the day. Our schedule is quite precise since we always seek to maximize the effectiveness of our work and to complete as many tasks as possible. In the second half of the day, we get together to drink some tea. During this relaxing 15-minute tea break, we chat and spend leisure time together — sometimes we even bring homemade cookies. Then, we get back to work and spend the rest of the day productively.

Sometimes we stay in the office after the end of the working day and indulge in various activities together. This can be a lecture given by one of us or from an invited fellow IT, or design colleague. Or it could be an evening with hookah, light alcohol, and game consoles. We have three of them: PS4, PS3, and a Sega Mega Drive 2.

How does ActiveCollab fit into a day in your life?

For over a year and a half, ActiveCollab has been a key instrument that helps us moderate the working process and communication between our team and the client. It complements email, corporate messenger, and other means of communication. ActiveCollab helps us regulate communication with the client, retain sensible information, and to interact within large and distributed teams. We use ActiveCollab both for our client and internal projects. Currently, there are about 200 of them in total. We also use it as a system for storing corporate data, tracking the time of our specialists, and we employ ActiveCollab API to synchronize the financial and labor costs data with our accounting system — which lets us evaluate the profitability of our projects and monitor our current profit or loss. Because of this, we can choose the most effective and advantageous products and make good managerial decisions.

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