Project Management Software for Developers

Develop products more efficiently by creating a workflow for your team and clients that doesn’t even let roadblocks appear. Collaborate and communicate more easily by streamlining your processes through one app.

  • Create actionable items
  • Track time
  • Connect with clients

Deliver software

A platform that will support your efforts to deliver value increments to stakeholders without delays or issues. Allow a cross-team collaboration and a connection to clients that leaves no room for errors.

budgeting type choice

Set a budget for your projects

Agree upon a target budget with your clients and always keep it in sight. Your project’s financial status will never catch you by surprise again.

communicate trough discussion

Communicate with teams and clients

Ask and answer questions through comments, share files, and the progress you’ve made on a specific assignment.

invite clients to projects

Involve your clients

Collaborating becomes a smooth process when clients are involved in each step. The team doesn’t miss a beat while waiting for feedback, and managers don’t have to play the telephone game!

billable time records

Keep track of billable hours

The entire team can easily track the time spent working on an assignment. All the billable time records can then be accounted for and charged.

track team progress

Track your team’s progress

Ensure no one is overwhelmed with tasks by distributing the workload equally and adjusting the estimated efforts with individual capacity.

set and track milestones

Define goals

Set important milestones that your team should achieve and track their progress.

create tasks and deliverables

Break down deliverables

Create tasks and define precisely what needs to be delivered, by whom, and when!

store files in one place

One place for all your files

Share and store files where they belong: your projects. Forget about forgetting where your documents are when you can attach them directly where they’re needed.

connect project phases

Connect project phases

Some assignments can’t begin before another one is completed. Tasks can be connected through dependencies, so the entire team knows how’s the project progressing.

monitor project bugs

Keep an eye on bugs

Create a workflow for recording, assigning, and solving bugs. Various teams can collaborate seamlessly and track each bug report from start to finish.

Some real-life feedback from our customers

For over a decade, more than 50,000 teams made Real Work happen with ActiveCollab.

Thanks to Active Collab's comprehensive capabilities, we can efficiently manage our projects, work with our team, and connect with our clients. The software's user-friendly design allows us to track progress easily, allocate tasks, and meet deadlines.

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Future Forward

ActiveCollab helped me streamline all my projects, converting them from scraps of emails to a well-oiled, easily trackable dashboard. ActiveCollab covers day-to-day communication, project progress, flagging website issues, and keeping all our discussions in one place.

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Phase Three Goods

ActiveCollab's reporting feature is brilliant for looking back and seeing exactly where we have used our team resources on projects, which helps us better plan future work.

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Lewis Carr


By fulfilling tasks properly, I've managed to collect great reports that made my calculations easier. Also, it is great to have a timesheet option where you can see everything in one place.

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aikon group

ActiveCollab has really improved our day-to-day operations. We have improved our budgeting considerably, so there is less intuition and more information, and the teams have become more cross-functional.

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Borja Gramage


Our customers enjoy the design of ActiveCollab because it is a lot easier to navigate and comment on. Even customers who aren’t tech-savvy can use it. By activating email notifications, ActiveCollab posts never get missed by the person in charge of the project.

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Thomaskutty Sebastian

CSO & Partner @ PIT Solutions

ActiveCollab has become our center for practically everything. It’s the place to check your project status, things we’ve discussed, files we’ve shared, and time we’ve spent on tasks. We can work at home without missing information relating to your project.

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Noëll Taravati

Owner @ Peppix

Thanks to ActiveCollab, we are able to record all of our working hours for different projects throughout the day. We benefit from being able to bill all work hours, and our customers benefit from receiving detailed and precise time-recorded reports.

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Luzi Stadler

Founder & CEO @ Berg Informatik

The main strength of ActiveCollab is introducing order in what otherwise could be interpreted as chaos. We decided to go remote and increase our productivity and efficiency, which was partially possible thanks to ActiveCollab.

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Sharné McDonald


The platform has everything we need to manage projects and collaborate. We could even track time and invoice billable time with it. Our team now uses ActiveCollab every day, and our clients are happy because all the information they need is just one click away.

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David Robertson

Premium IT Solutions

The feature we use the most is Tasks. You can assign them to different people easily, track time, and comment on them. Occasionally, we will group the Tasks together under a Milestone. It makes collaboration easy.

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Logan Lindquist

Legacy Beta

We invite every client and create a new project for each engagement. We create milestones and tasks to track the work and load all key project documents. We also log time to the project so we can track its profitability.

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Linda Cardinale

Vigilant Technologies

If you’re looking for a robust project management system that is client-friendly and actively developed, you would do well to try ActiveCollab. We haven’t seen the Tasks and Subtasks implemented anywhere else quite like they are in ActiveCollab.

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Ryan Masuga

Masuga Design

ActiveCollab helped us communicate clearly and complete projects that involved many participants and external partners. We had complete communication related to the project in one place.

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Ivana Tomas


ActiveCollab proved its strength and ability to be configured exactly the way you want. Its main features provided the assets I needed for every project: client management, tasks for individual actions, and time tracking, which is essential when charging projects by the hour

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Aleksandar Cocek


Before ActiveCollab, we used Google Docs. Each developer had a (rather long) document with all their tasks. Now, we have that exact setup, but in an organized, searchable way. ActiveCollab makes me feel like my remote colleagues are right in the next room.

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Joel Avery

co-founder and CTO @FashionPass