Video Production Project Management Software

Video production requires a lot of creativity and organization. Devote all your time and energy to creating high-quality video, audio, and photography content, and let ActiveCollab help you manage teams and projects.

  • Store all files in one place
  • Manage your budgets
  • Communicate effortlessly

Project Management Software for Media

ActiveCollab is a project management software that helps teams working in video production better organize their workload, files, and team members. You can entirely rely on ActiveCollab to communicate, share files, issue invoices, and streamline your work processes.

column view

Better overview with column view

Move tasks around, complete them, and overview your project’s progress in the Column view.

creating multiple calendars

Save the date

Creating multiple calendars to view due dates and events will ensure you don’t miss out on a thing!

deadlines overview

Stick to deadlines

ActiveCollab won’t let you forget about your deadlines. It will be easy to spot them, plus you can set notifications and reminders.

budget alerts

Budget overview

ActiveCollab won’t let you forget your budget’s limit. Set up budget alerts and always be in the know.

involving clients

Get client approval

Involve clients from the get-go and use their precious feedback to ensure the project goes as planned.

leaving comments

Leave a comment

Exchange thoughts and opinions by leaving comments under notes, discussions, and tasks.

finding all your files

Keep files safe

ActiveCollab will keep all sorts of files safe, where you’ll always be able to find them.

Hop on chat

ActiveCollab will never ever delete your messages unless you do. Chat with your team and communicate effortlessly.

all projects overview

All projects in one space

Finally, a safe space for all your projects! And there’s no limit to how many projects you can have.

Some real-life feedback from our customers

For over a decade, more than 50,000 teams made Real Work happen with ActiveCollab.

Now we finally have a single app to manage the studio, the clients, AND communication with colleagues.

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c’est beau studio

The best thing about using ActiveCollab for our business is the fact that you have an awesome overview of the business as a whole.

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Sarah Griffin

Flyte Creative Media