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Language Setup


There are two ways the interface language can be changed in your ActiveCollab account:

  • Individually per user (in My Profile),
  • For the entire account (in System Settings).

You can set the default language to any of the 21 we have: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, or Turkish. If your language isn't listed and you'd like to contribute, feel free to get in touch.

Setting the interface language per user:

Each user can set up their own interface language. This won't affect other users or the account. To do this: 

  • Click profile pic in the upper right corner, and choose My Profile,
  • In the Localization section, choose the language of your preference,
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to Save the changes.

Setting the interface language for the entire account:

  • Click profile pic in the upper right corner, choose System Settings,
  • Choose System Settings > General Settings > click Edit General Settings,
  • In the section Language and Currency choose the language of your preference,
  • Save the changes at the bottom of the page,
  • The default language will then be changed across the entire platform.

Note: The changes based on personal preferences (those set in My Profile) override the changes for the entire account (that are set in System Settings). The interface language for the entire account can only be set by users with an Owner role.

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