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Chatting In The Mobile App


You can exchange messages and files with your colleagues on your phone via chat.

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Chat Hub

Press the chat icon while in the mobile app to go to the chat hub

Here you can see conversations listed as Recent, populated from the newest to the oldest. 

Followed by Others, where you can see people you do not have a conversation with or teams you are a part of. 

By pressing any of the names in Recent, it opens an existing conversation; while doing the same in Others starts a new conversation. 

Get Notified in Real-Time

You will be notified of new messages in real-time by receiving a notification and a badge number next to the conversation.

Chat With Individuals, Teams, and Groups

Use the in-app chat to chat with individuals, teams, and groups when you're on the go.

  • Open the chat conversation,
  • Type the message,
  • Press "send".

Upload Files

You can add files from your phone or upload a photo from your camera to the chat conversations.

Press Plus in the chat message, a dialog Upload files will appear, choose one of three options:

  • Camera,
  • Browse Media,
  • Browse Files.

Choose the file for upload and you will see it in the message before you send it: 

Press the X next to the file to delete it from the draft message or add more files with + or type an accompanying message, and press send.

Long-press Message

Open the conversation and long-press the message to see different options.

Long-press your own messages to see:

  • Reactions - yes, you can leave one or more reactions, even to your own messages!
  • Copy - if you need to copy your message,
  • Edit - in case you want to edit the message sent,
  • Delete - to delete the message.

Long-press someone else's message to see:

  • Reactions - you can leave one or more reactions,
  • Copy - if you want to copy this message,
  • Unread - if you want to mark the message as unread so you can read it again later.

Tap Avatar

While in a conversation, tap on an avatar of a person, to view their profile in the People section or send a new message in a private conversation.

Choose view their profile to see their tasks. 

Here you can also see their availability.

Conversation Info - For Participants

Press on the name of the chat conversation to open conversation info. From here you can access:

  • Media - where you can quickly access all shared media in the chat.

  • Participants - to see who the participants are, their online status is shown as a green dot next to their avatar.

  • Mute - flip the switch to mute/unmute the conversation.

Conversation Info - For Admins

Press on the name of the chat conversation to open conversation info. From here you can access:

  • Media - allows you quick access to all media uploaded in the conversation
  • Participants - allows you to view participants, remove them from the conversation, or give an Admin role
  • Mute - flip the switch to quickly mute/unmute the conversation
  • Leave - if you want to leave the conversation
  • Delete - if you want to delete the conversation

By tapping edit in the upper right corner you can change the group name. 

  • Media - choose Media to view all media shared within the chat conversation. 

Tap on a particular file to view it. In the upper right corner, you can tap more info or download. If you uploaded the file you can also see a trashcan and delete it.

Tapping More info gives you more info on the file uploaded. 

  • Participants - choose participants to view all of the participants in the conversation.

Tap a person's name and you can view choose: view profile, message, set them as admin, or remove them as a participant. To revoke an active Admin, tap their name and choose here Revoke admin. 

By tapping remove as a participant you can remove the person from the conversation, a pop-up screen asks for your confirmation first. Once the person is removed from the conversation, they will no longer be able to participate in that chat.

  • Mute - turn the mute button on or off, to receive or stop receiving notifications about this conversation.

  • Leave - tap if you want to leave the conversation. You will no longer be a member of this conversation and you will lose access to it, a pop-up screen will ask you to confirm your action. 
  • Delete  - tap to permanently delete the group conversation for you and all its participants, a pop-up screen will ask you to confirm your action. 

Starting A New Conversation

To start a new conversation, individual or group chat, press the purple button with a plus.

  • Press the plus button and choose people to invite. 

  • Press Invite to invite people to a conversation.

  • Once you press Create Group you will see a welcome message to the chat conversation. 

Swipe Actions

Swipe a conversation to the right

While in the chat hub, swipe a conversation to the right to see the option to mark the message as unread. If you read the message in haste, mark it as unread to devote more time to it later. 

An unread message appears as a badge number of unread messages.

Swipe a conversation to the left

While in the chat hub, swipe a conversation to the left to delete, leave, or mute the conversation. General conversation for example can just be muted, but it cannot be left or deleted.

Press the trash can icon to delete a conversationand pick cancel or delete:

Press the exit icon to leave a conversationand pick cancel or leave:

Press the stricken-through bell icon to mute a conversation instantly. 

After that, you will see a bell icon where you can unmute the conversation. 

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