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New format for Client details in Invoices and Estimates

Due to the European Union's directive on standardized invoice formats (EN 16931), we have updated the way client details are entered in invoices and estimates. This change ensures compliance with regulations and facilitates compatibility with accounting software that processes eInvoices.

Creating or Editing Invoices and Estimates

When creating a new invoice or estimate, you are now required to fill in your client's details using the new format. If you are editing existing invoices or estimates, you also have to update the client details to align with the new format.

Note: Once client details are updated using the new format during editing, they will be saved, and you will not need to re-enter them for future edits.

Client Information:
The new client detail format includes the following fields:
  • Client Address (required)
  • Apt/Suite Number (optional)
  • City (required)
  • State/Province (optional)
  • Tax Number (EIN, TIN, UTR, etc.) (optional)

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