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Generating Reports


Reports help you get information on payments, assigned tasks, and tracked time or expenses

Only Owner and Member+ users (with permission to Start projects, manage people, and use reports) can see and use the Reports.

Finance Reports


  • Overview of all payments made in the selected time period,
  • The Yearly view shows a payment chart and a list with the number of payments per month and the sum total,
  • The Monthly view lists paid invoice details, including the invoice number, project, client company, issue dates, payment dates, and the amount paid.


  • Shows tracked time and expenses that haven’t been included in an invoice yet.
  • The report shows uninvoiced time and expenses grouped by project (for both open and completed projects),
  • It shows the project client, hours and minutes, expenses, and the uninvoiced sum total,
  • Click on the Invoice Now button to create an invoice for a project,
  • Click Export to CSV to download the report.


  • Find and filter all the invoices that meet certain criteria.

Assignment Reports


  • Find and filter all the projects that meet certain criteria.


  • Allows you to find tasks by filtering the information you need. You’ll be able to:
  • Filter and group tasks by Project, Assignee, Label, Due Date, etc.,
  • Include tasks from completed projects,
  • Save the filter to use it again later,
  • Export the results to CSV and download your report.

Tasks by User: 

  • To distribute tasks evenly among your team,
  • Select which people and project to display,
  • Reassign tasks by clicking the three-dot menu next to a task.

Team Timeline:

  • Keep an eye on who does what (and who has free time), 
  • Tasks are grouped by an assignee,
  • You can see estimated vs tracked time for each task.

Projects Timeline:

  • You can see here multiple projects on a single page, 
  • Shows you how projects stack up against each other,
  • Spread out tasks to avoid overloading your team.
  • Schedule unscheduled tasks. 

Time and Expense reports

Time (learn more):

  • Basic overview of tracked time across projects,
  • Shows time records from both completed and open projects,
  • Results can be grouped by project, client, assignee and job type,
  • You can choose a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly view,
  • The report shows a sum total of hours and billable time records.
  • You can download the report as a csv file.

Time (Legacy):

  • Access the Advanced Time Report to filter time records,
  • Download this report as a csv file.

Expense Tracking:

  • Shows expense records from both completed and open projects,
  • Results can be grouped by project, client, assignee and expense category,
  • You can choose a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly view,
  • The report shows a sum total all billable expense records.

Estimated vs. Tracked Time:

  • You can filter results by person, project, and task status,
  • The report shows results grouped by person,
  • The report shows the Task name, Project, Tracked time, Estimated time and % of estimate.

Project Budget vs. Cost Time:

  • Allows you to see the budget for a selected project,
  • You also see what you've spent so far,
  • You see a list of Job Types, Hourly Rates, Billable Hours and Cost so Far tracked for that project.

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