ActiveCollab allows you to set the availability of each user.
- Go to the System Settings/Workday Settings to create Availability types (only those with an Owner role can do this),
- Once the availability types are defined, go to the People section and choose the user whose availability you'd like to set,
- If the Owner or Member+ (with the option to start projects, manage people and use reports) are setting the availability for a user, an email notification message will be sent to the user, informing them of the changes made,

- If the users are setting the availability for themselves, a message will be sent to the Owners, keeping them in the loop,

Once the availability has been set, information about it will be shown in:
To see the users' overall availability, simply go to their user profile within the People section, and hover over the ''i" sign in the right corner of the Availability Tab, to see the totals. Click on ''show all'' to see all the details.