
Creating Task Templates in ActiveCollab

Creating Task Templates in ActiveCollab

Some activities are part of our daily routine, some are performed once a month, and some occur once in a while, but they’re always the same.

For example, creating ID cards for your new employees. The process is always the same: contact the photographer, set up the studio or book an appointment, retouch the photo if necessary, adapt its format, and print out the card. You can never predict when new employees will join the company, but it would sure be handy to have a list of all these activities ready and be able to insert them into your assignments quickly.

ActiveCollab lets you create task templates in three easy steps so you can always have them ready when necessary:

  1. Create a recurring task
  2. Set occurrence to “Never”
  3. Create tasks from your premade Task Template

The options you have at your disposal when creating recurring tasks are vast. You can customize your templates by choosing the task list where they’ll be placed, their assignee, label, estimated duration, subtasks, and subscribers. Another handy option is the relative due date. It’s possible to set up a due date a few days, weeks, or even a month after the task is generated. You can also attach files to task templates so all the elements are ready to use immediately.

If we take the example of employee ID cards, our task template would look like this:

Applying the task template is as easy as pie. Click the “Make one now” option and use it right away. The task will be automatically shared with all the subscribers you previously selected, but you can always invite more people.

If there are some changes you need to make, find the “Edit” option in the menu or delete the template altogether.

Once the task is created, even more options are at your disposal. You can change, duplicate, move, or copy it to another project.

This feature can be a vital time-saver in your task management endeavors! If you need even more details, check out our help page. Follow our blog and subscribe to our newsletter for quick tips like this!

Happy ActiveCollabing!